About Us

prgery.com is a retail website dedicated to the production and sales of household goods. Our head office is in Baohe District, Hefei City, and branches are established in Nanjing, Bengbu, Anqing, etc. prgery.com caters to the concept of “Made in China” to go overseas. In order to expand the sales network, through effective supply chain management services, it eliminates the geographical barriers of cross-border e-commerce and shortens the international distance. Improved the buyer’s customer experience and the seller’s market competitiveness. The company focuses on Amazon, wish, ebay, AliExpress B2C and Alibaba international station B2B. We have a complete set of business system from the most front-end product development to supply chain management, fine operation and perfect after-sales service. The company adheres to the business philosophy of dare to try, be brave in innovation, unity and cooperation, and people-oriented to create a first-class cross-border e-commerce enterprise , We are a group of young, energetic and passionate post-90s team. Looking forward to your joining and growing together with us!